This Free Software Will Improve The Effectiveness Of A Site
Promotion By Over 1875% While Saving Valuable Time... Guaranteed!
Why 1875%? Simple. Most article
submission tools submit the same article to every site in their list.
Artemis Lite submits a unique article to every publisher in it's list.
That means you won't be hit by the duplicate content penalty. In my own
tests, I see about 300 inbound links shrink to about 16 or 17 as they
disappear into the "similar results" list. That's an 1875% increase in
effectiveness if you can submit unique articles like Artemis Lite!
Did I mention that Artemis Lite
is 100% free?
BTW, Artemis Lite doesn't rewrite
your article in any way. You won't have gibberish submitted under your
name. There is no word substitution. There are no meaningless header,
middle and footer paragraphs added. You'll like how Artemis Lite makes
articles unique and it won't embarrass you when you see your article in
print like some other tools will!
Did I mention that Artemis Lite
is 100% free?
Artemis Lite comes stock with a
built in list of literally thousands of publishers right out of the box.
So, you can start getting more visitors to your web-site today! Does any
other article submission software (free or paid) have that?
Did I mention that Artemis Lite
is 100% free?
Not enough time? Who has enough
time? I don't. What if I told you that it takes less than 5 minutes of
your time to submit an article to thousands of sites and newsletters?
That's all it takes when you use Artemis Lite! There is one simple form to
fill out. Take a look at this screen shot of the Artemis Lite software:
Look... There are no good excuses
for not submiting articles. You can have the Artemis Lite software
downloaded and installed seconds after you click the "Download Artemis
Lite" link below. It is extremely easy to use and you can have your first
article published today.
Testimonial From Andy Henry, An Artemis
" Wow! James! - You read my mind. The Artemis software is
exactly what I need right now. I have had excellent success at
increasing my website traffic and rankings using articles, but
unfortunately, the 'duplicate content' filters have been hurting me
seriously lately. Artemis is a lovely solution to this current
problem and it's going to make me a bunch of money - Thanks! I love
it! "
Andy Henry
Click Here
For More Testimonials
So lets recap. Did I mention that
Artemis Lite is free? You get the software that has the 1875% increase in
productivity built in. The software already knows how to submit to
thousands of sites and thousands of newsletters, so you can do an article
submission today. All you have to do is enter your name and email address
(privacy guaranteed) and click that download link to get started today:
System Requirements:
Windows XP or Windows 2000, an Internet connection, Internet Explorer 5.0
or later and a sound card/speakers to watch and hear the training videos.